Access to this site is restricted to Australian-registered healthcare professionals. If you are not a healthcare professional, or have difficulty accessing this site, please contact Camurus at

The following information is required to confirm your eligibility to access this site.

What can I access on this site?

On this site you will find:

  • Buvidal® Product information
  • Administration demonstration
  • Consumer interview
  • Electronic resources
  • Option to order hardcopy resources

Why do I need to register for this site if I have already registered for the conference?

Medicines Australia and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) require that sponsor companies ensure product information is accessible only to healthcare professionals. Because IMiA 21 is attended by non-healthcare professionals, we need to verify that you are eligible to access information about Buvidal®.

All fields are mandatory.

Primary clinic/practice/hospital

Login details

Camurus are committed to keeping communications to a minimum. By opting in to receiving updates, you will receive a maximum of 1 communication per month. You can change your preferences at any time.